- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 67 en plus...
- PièceCORA-A-1942 - South Railway Street & Hamilton Street looking east
- PièceCORA-A-1943 - Corner of South Railway and Hamilton Streets
- PièceCORA-A-1944 - Musical Ride
- PièceCORA-A-1950 - Decorated Arches for Inauguration
- PièceCORA-A-1955 - Barber Shop
- PièceCORA-A-1987 - Grandstand Fire
- PièceCORA-A-2016 - Royal Couple in front of Legislative Building
- PièceCORA-A-2032 - H.M.C.S. Regina
- PièceCORA-A-213 - Regina Mayor W.E. Mason
- 189 en plus...