- Fondo997-099 - Lobb, Ethel fonds
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- Item997-099-131 - Bill and Lorne Lobb unloading baled hay
- Item997-099-132 - School parade at The Melfort Fair Grounds
- Item997-099-133 - Mr. Corscadden and power truck at Wm. Lobb Farm - Beatty, Sask.
- Item997-099-134 - Electric power came to Thatch Creek, Saskatchewan
- Item997-099-135 - Asa Lobb's car
- Item997-099-136 - The home of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lobb - Beatty, Sask.
- Item997-099-137 - Lady Minto Hospital and Nurses Residence - Melfort, Sask.
- Item997-099-138 - The Imperial Cafe in Beatty, Sask.
- Item997-099-139 - English cabin on the Saskatchewan River
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