Argue, Hazen


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Argue, Hazen

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Hazen Robert Argue was born January 6, 1921 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. In 1926, his family rented their Kayville farm and moved to Avonlea. In 1944, Argue graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.

In 1945, Argue was elected to the House of Commons as the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) member for Wood Mountain. In 1958, he was elected House Leader and in 1960, he was elected CCF leader. In 1961, the Canadian Labour Congress and the CCF joined forces and created the New Democratic Party (NDP). Argue ran for the leadership of this new party, however, he lost to Tommy Douglas. Argue then left the NDP for the Liberals in 1962. He was able to hold his seat this year, but was beaten in 1963 and 1965. He was appointed to the senate in 1966 and held this position until his death in 1991. Argue also held the position of Minister of State for the Canadian Wheat Board until 1984.

In 1989, he was accused of using government funds to assist his wife’s political career with the Liberals. He was charged with fraud, theft and breach of trust; however, in 1990 the charges were dropped due to complications with his health. Argue died October 2, 1991.

Argue, Hazen Robert / The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan



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