- FondoWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- SériesS01 - Photographs
- DossiêF04 - Official opening
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- Item: 2022.004.085.062 - Visitors eating in picnic area
- Item: 2022.004.085.063 - Outdoor tents
- Item: 2022.004.085.064 - Two VIPs in restaurant
- Item: 2022.004.085.065 - Peggy McKercher visiting with Senator Phiolomene Gamble in restaurant
- Item: 2022.004.085.066 - Volunteers and visitors in lobby area
- Item: 2022.004.085.067 - Senator Phiolomene Gamble seated in restaurant
- Item: 2022.004.085.068 - Opening ceremonies committee members Brian Hansen, Betty Anne Stevenson and Ken Alexce in restaurant
- Item: 2022.004.085.069 - Ceremonial procession
- Item: 2022.004.085.070 - Group gathered for ceremonial procession
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