- CollectionGPC - Rosetown General Photograph Collection
- Série organiqueGPC-MI2 - Military - Rosetown Post-1938
- 5 en plus...
- PièceMI2.006 - Motorcycle Corp Convoy from Dundurn
- PièceMI2.007 - Group portrait of 67th Light Infantry of Rosetown
- PièceMI2.008 - 67th Light Infantry Tent City
- PièceMI2.009 - Military tents of 67th Light Infantry
- PièceMI2.010 - 3 men, 1940's car
- PièceMI2.011 - Unknown man in uniform
- PièceMI2.012 - Walter Essex in uniform
- PièceMI2.013 - Army vehicles on Main Street, Rosetown
- PièceMI2.014 - Army motorcycles and vehicles on Main Street, Rosetown
- 6 en plus...