- ZE1.035
- Item
- 1910
A man stands behind the counter of a cigar shop. Cigarettes and cigars are displayed in glass cases on the counter. There are boxes of biscuits on shelves behind the counter.
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A man stands behind the counter of a cigar shop. Cigarettes and cigars are displayed in glass cases on the counter. There are boxes of biscuits on shelves behind the counter.
A row of shops on 1st Avenue in Zealandia. The livery stable is at the end of the row just behind the windmill. A man places bricks along the side of a building in the forefront of the photo.
A man stands in front of the Flour and Feed Store in winter, located on Railway Avenue in Zealandia. Photo taken facing east. Another man stands in the side doorway.
Two men stand in what is either a furniture or hardware store. One man is holding the hand of a little girl who is dressed in winter clothing.
Two men inside of a gentleman's shoe store. Note the jackets and pile of shoes, as well as shoe boxes along the left of the photo.
Rosetown General Photograph Collection
The Rosetown General Photograph Collection spans approximately ten decades of the history of Rosetown and district, consisting of photographs taken by and collected by the Rosetown Centennial Library Archives.
A man in a hat leans against a counter inside a Zealandia shoe store.
Four men stand inside what is either a furniture or hardware store.
Photos of Zealandia and area in the early days of the town.