- ZE1.049
- Item
- 1910
Five men stand outside Thomas Sulland's Livery Feed and Sale Stable with six horses in winter. Three more men stand inside the stable. Located on the south side of 1st Avenue.
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Five men stand outside Thomas Sulland's Livery Feed and Sale Stable with six horses in winter. Three more men stand inside the stable. Located on the south side of 1st Avenue.
J.O. Murdoch stands behind the counter of the Land Title Office in Zealandia.
Jim Farquharson.
Mr. Johnson stands behind the counter inside the jewellery store.
James Farquharson, a Scottish immigrant to the Zealandia/St. Andrew's district, poses with three onions and a large potato he grew on his farm.
Four men and one woman stand inside P.K. Shatilla's General Store behind a display of hats.
Harvest, one tractor pulling six binders.
Six binders with men sitting on each one being pulled by one tractor.
Two men stand inside a harness shop. Gloves, harnesses, leads, and more hang and are stacked throughout the shop. Identities are not known, but there was a Harness & Saddlery shop owned by a W.A. Messner in Zealandia in 1913.
Twelve men and a dog pose inside a hardware store loaded with inventory. There are hammers and other tools on the left wall, shovels and rakes at the back, and a stove on the right. Note the pile of hockey sticks in the forefront under the table.
Two men stand in what is either a furniture or hardware store. One man is holding the hand of a little girl who is dressed in winter clothing.
Grain train, loading rail cars
Eight wagons pulled by a tractor, with grain being loaded into box cars.
A man stands in the snow in front of Zealandia's Goose Lake Grain & Lumber Co. elevator.
A man leans against the counter inside a general store. The chairs and tables along the left-hand side of the photo suggest the store may have also doubled as a diner or other meeting place.
One man and two women stand behind the counter in the general store they work at.
Frank Glass Photograph Collection
The Frank Glass Photograph Collection spans approximately ten decades of the history of Rosetown and district, consisting of photographs taken by and collected by Frank Glass.