Yorkton (Sask.)



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Yorkton (Sask.)

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Yorkton (Sask.)

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Victoria school and the West End school

Victoria school and the West End school.
Victoria school, built on the present site of Shaw Park on 5th. Avenue in 1899. Mr. J. A. Gregory was the principal and Mr. J. A. M. Patrick was his assistant. This building became outdated and was replaced by the New Victoria school on 4th. Avenue in 1929.

The West End school, built on the present site of the Western Grocers building on Broadway West in 1905. It was moved, in 1910, to the corner of Broadway and Melrose Ave., to make way for the right-of-way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. It was used for school purposes until the Simpson school was opened in 1915. The building is still in a good state of repair and has been used as a multiple for a long number of years.