Yorkton 1901- sketch Stanley Turner
- YJ0262
- Item
- 1901
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Sketch of Yorkton from First Avenue
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Yorkton 1901- sketch Stanley Turner
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Sketch of Yorkton from First Avenue
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Threshing scene with horses
Threshing scene with horse power supplied by oxen.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Threshing scene with horse power supplied by oxen.
Threshing scene during the early settlement days
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Typical threshing scene during the early settlement days
Prairie Schooners from Nebraska
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Prairie Schooners from Nebraska on Broadway
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
"The Indian, riding his pony, along with his teepee encampment, was the common sight that greeted the early explorer, trapper, missionary and later the early settler when they arrived on the prairies during the last century."
First Nation camp with horse and cart
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Tipis, a horse and a cart and wagon are seen in a First Nation's camp