Applicants ready to file applications for homestead
- YJ0115
- Item
- 1907
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Mayors speech to applicants lined up to receive homestead land abandoned by Doukhobors
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Applicants ready to file applications for homestead
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Mayors speech to applicants lined up to receive homestead land abandoned by Doukhobors
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
First Land titles office Built in 1908.
Jackson, Howard
Land title office and Town hall
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Land title office and Town hall
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Land Titles Office, Yorkton, erected in 1908.
Looking south east from St. Andrew's Presyterian church
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Looking south east from St. Andrew's Presbyterian church about 1909. The new land Titles Office on the left and the Town Hall and Post Office in the foreground.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Mr. Dan Morrison, Yorkton Land Titles Office Registrar.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
A group of people are seen standing in front the Dominion Lands office building in the J. J. Smith Block
The Yorkton land titles office staff
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
The Land Titles Office staff in 1908. R. H. Know- registrar, staff members: J. E. Rattenbury, Frank Bland, Harry, Williams, A. W. Robinson, Don McLeay and Edgar Sealy.