- YJ0118
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- 1967
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Canadian Centennial leaf with fireworks
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Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Canadian Centennial leaf with fireworks
Canadian Bank of Commerce and Hudson's Bay buildings
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Canadian Bank of Commerce and Hudson's Bay buildings.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Buffalo in front of woods
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
View of the south side of Broadway Avenue in Yorkton with a horse-drawn sleigh in front of many businesses. The Balmoral Hotel came through to Broadway. A branch of the Bank of British North America opened in the angular building at the right center in 1903. The Anglican Church built in 1898, is seen at the end of the street.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
North side of Broadway west from 4th. Avenue in Yorkton.
Broadway looking east from International Harvester building
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Broadway, looking east from the International Harvester building about 1911. The two sheds in the foreground are located on the present sit of the Massey- Harris building.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Broadway taken in 1899. Markham's small house is seen and Markham's Livery Stable.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Broadway and First Ave., about 1909. Taken from a window in the lake of the Woods elevator. The C. P. R. wind mill, water tank and round house n the foreground.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
A bison is seen standing in grass
Applicants ready to file applications for homestead
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Mayors speech to applicants lined up to receive homestead land abandoned by Doukhobors
A pictorial history of Yorkton
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
A pictorial history of Yorkton
A full turn out of the Yorkton Fire Brigade
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
A full turn out of the Yorkton Fire Brigade in 1908. In the lead is the chemical truck on which the chief always rode with the driver, next is the fire engine, then two hose reels, each hauled by two men and lastly the ladder truck.
"A Cree in full Pow-wow costume"
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
An Cree indigenous person in full Pow-wow regalia.
A. C. Steward Q.C., M.P., turning the first sod for the New Federal Building
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
A. C. Stewart Q. C., M. P., turning the first sod for the New Federal Building, December 6, 1952. Left; Otto Fietz, Kent Matheson, H. M. Bailey- City Engineer, Dr. M. C. Novak-Alderman, Dr. C. J. Houston - M. H. O., W. H. Morrison-Alderman, Mayor C. G. Langrill, A. C. Stewart Q. C., M.P., A. L. McBurney- Alderman, S. Surjik, Ken. Mayhew - Enterprise, Hugh McKenzie - Alderman, H. H. Jackson - City Clerk, W. Johnston - Alderman, F. Steele - Alderman. A. C. Steward Q.C., M.P., turning the first sod for the New Federal Building