Willow Bunch (Sask.)



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Willow Bunch (Sask.)

Termes équivalents

Willow Bunch (Sask.)

Termes associés

Willow Bunch (Sask.)

2 Names résultats pour Willow Bunch (Sask.)

2 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Assiniboia Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0203
  • Collectivité
  • 1925–

Assiniboia Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Assiniboia Presbytery, consisting of St. Paul's United Church, in Assiniboia. The appointment at Willows was added ca.1926. By 1946, the charge consisted of Assiniboia and Maxtone preaching points. In 1982, Viceroy re-opened and was added to Assiniboia Pastoral Charge, which had joined Moose Jaw Presbytery. As of 1984, St. Paul's (Assiniboia), Viceroy and Willow Bunch were listed as preaching points. Viceroy closed in 1985. Willow Bunch closed January 15, 2009.

Coronach Pastoral Charge

  • Collectivité
  • ca.1932–1968?

Coronach Pastoral Charge was formed as a United Church charge sometime between 1926 and 1932, part of Assiniboia Presbytery and consisting of preaching points at Coronach, Clydesdale and Hart. In the early 1940s, Buffalo Gap was also part of the charge, from what had previously been Buffalo Gap Pastoral Charge (ca.1926, with Caron, Beaver Creek and Dry Forks). By 1951, the charge had joined with Rock Glen Pastoral Charge to form Rock Glen - Coronach Pastoral Charge, with points at Rockglen, Coronach, Fife Lake, Hart and Clydesdale. The charges had separated again by 1958. As of 1962, Coronach Pastoral Charge consisted of the Coronach, Clydesdale and Willow Bunch congregations.

Around 1968/1969, Coronach combined with Rockglen Pastoral Charge (including Killdeer and Fife Lake) to create the new Borderlands Pastoral Charge.