Whitecap (Sask.)



Scope note(s)

  • Whitecap Dakota First Nation
  • Located south of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
  • White Cap 94 reserve, in Canadian Geographical Names Database (CGNDB).

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Whitecap (Sask.)

Equivalent terms

Whitecap (Sask.)

  • UF Moose Woods (Sask.)

Associated terms

Whitecap (Sask.)

1 Archival description results for Whitecap (Sask.)

Only results directly related

Dundurn-Hanley Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 185
  • Fonds
  • 1902–1984

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Dundurn, Hanley and Dundurn-Hanley Pastoral Charges and constituent churches, including Moose Woods (Whitecap) – their boards, committees and related bodies, and local women’s groups.

Contents include: minutes of boards, stewards, choirs, Ladies Aid Society and W.A. meetings; reports; treasurer’s records; and a Circuit Register containing the membership roll. Dundurn Methodist/United Church, Hanley, Coates, Moose Woods Reserve, and White Cap Reserve are among the congregations and communities identified. There is also a Home Mission Record Book from Moose Woods Reserve (White Cap), containing a communion roll and records of baptisms, marriages and burials.

Dundurn-Hanley Pastoral Charge