White Bear reserve (Sask.)



Nota(s) de âmbito

  • White Bear First Nations (Saulteaux, Cree, Nakota, Dakota)
  • Located 13 km north of Carlyle, on Highway 9, southeast corner of the Moose Mountain area.
  • White Bear 70 reserve, according to CGNDB.

Nota(s) da fonte

  • Canadian Geographical Names Database (CGNDB).

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White Bear reserve (Sask.)

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White Bear reserve (Sask.)

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White Bear reserve (Sask.)

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Manor-White Bear Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0259
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1969–1976

Manor-Moose Mountain Pastoral Charge was formed from an amalgamation of Manor and Moose Mountain Pastoral Charges, with preaching points at Manor, Moose Mountain, and Parkman. The charge was later renamed Manor-White Bear Pastoral Charge. Around 1976, the preaching points separated and re-formed as Manor Pastoral Charge (initially served from Antler-Redvers Pastoral Charge) and White Bear Pastoral Charge.

White Bear Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0167
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1969, ca.1976–

Moose Mountain Reserve (Indian Mission), was formed in 1925, as part of Arcola Presbytery. It was later included in Arcola-Estevan Presbytery and then Souris Valley Presbytery. For a time, the charge was amalgamated with Manor, under the name Manor-Moose Mountain Pastoral Charge and (later) the Manor-White Bear Pastoral Charge. Around 1976, the preaching points separated and re-formed as Manor Pastoral Charge and White Bear Pastoral Charge. In 1984, White Bear joined the new Plains Presbytery, which became part of the All Native Circle Conference when it was formed, in 1989.

The main preaching point in the charge is White Bear United Church, also known as the Moose Mountain Mission, which is located near Carlyle, Saskatchewan (south of Moose Mountain Provincial Park). Before Union, the preaching point was originally recorded as a Presbyterian mission, as early as 1889. A mission house built in 1896 continued to be used for the United Church of Canada congregation until a log chapel was built around 1940. A larger church was built in 1960.