United Church of Canada√



Scope note(s)

  • Officially formed 1925, from amalgamation of Congregationalists, existing local union/united churches (via General Council of Local Union Churches), the Methodist Church (Canada) and approx. 70% of Presbyterian Church in Canada

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United Church of Canada√

2 Names results for United Church of Canada√

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United Church of Canada Elrose Presbytery

  • SCAA-UCCS-0017
  • Corporate body
  • 1926–1949

Elrose Presbytery was created in 1926, from the division of Kindersley Presbytery. Early pastoral charges in the presbytery included Eston, Dinsmore, Ferndale (student field), Richlea, Lucky Lake, Annerly (student field), Tuberose, North Landing, Demaine-Beechy, Elrose, Plato, Macrorie, Wiseton, Buffalo Basin (student field), Glidden, Wartime, Dunblane (including BIrsay), Dunblane (Finnish), Eatonia (English and German congregations), Rankin (student field), Mantario, Lacadena, Sanctuary.

In 1949, the Presbyteries of Elrose and Kindersley amalgamated, to become Rosetown Presbytery.

Elrose Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0453
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–

Elrose Pastoral Charge was formed as a United Church charge in 1925, part of Kindersley Presbytery and containing Elrose and Hughton. By 1951, the charge was part of Rosetown Presbytery and the preaching point at Hester had been added.