United Church of Canada√



Scope note(s)

  • Officially formed 1925, from amalgamation of Congregationalists, existing local union/united churches (via General Council of Local Union Churches), the Methodist Church (Canada) and approx. 70% of Presbyterian Church in Canada

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United Church of Canada√

2 Names results for United Church of Canada√

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Watrous Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0518
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–

Watrous Pastoral Charge was formed as United Church charge in 1925, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and containing appointments at Watrous, as well as Poplar Park and Plymouth (ca.1926). Venn was added in the early/mid-1940s. By 1962, Plymouth was no longer listed in the charge and by 1964, Poplar Park and Venn were not either, leaving just the Watrous preaching point. Around 1969, Young-Zelma was added to Watrous Pastoral Charge. (The name of the Young-Zelma point shifted to Young, ca.1974.) From around 1982, the charge began to be listed as Watrous-Young Pastoral Charge.

Young Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0519
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–ca.1969

Young Pastoral Charge was formed as United Church charge in 1925, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and containing appointments at Young, Zelma and Rapid Advance. By the mid-1930s, it was listed as Young-Zelma Pastoral Charge, with no additional points.

Around 1969, the point at Lost River was moved to Bradwell Pastoral Charge, while the remaining Young-Zelma joined Watrous Pastoral Charge.