- SCAA-UCCS-0183
- Persona
- 1917–1998
United Church of Canada√
Nota(s) sobre el alcance
- Officially formed 1925, from amalgamation of Congregationalists, existing local union/united churches (via General Council of Local Union Churches), the Methodist Church (Canada) and approx. 70% of Presbyterian Church in Canada
Nota(s) sobre el origen
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United Church of Canada√
- Término Específico United Church of Canada - Buildings√
- Término Específico United Church of Canada - Clergy√
- Término Específico United Church of Canada - Conferences√
- Término Específico United Church of Canada - Missions√
- Término Específico United Church of Canada - Societies, etc.√
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United Church of Canada√
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United Church of Canada√
- Término Relacionado Churches - United Church of Canada√
- Término Relacionado Methodist Church√
- Término Relacionado Presbyterian Church√
- Término Relacionado Congregational Church√
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- SCAA-UCCS-0446
- Entidade coletiva
- 1925–
Biggar Pastoral Charge was formed in 1925 as a new United Church charge, part of Wilkie Presbytery and consisting of Third Avenue United Church, in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Third Avenue United had been originally built in 1910, as a Union Church, with a congregation of Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists and Baptists. Early pre-1925 rural preaching points had also included Salter, Lett and Monarch. (By 1936, Monarch was a separate Pastoral Charge, with points at Kensmith, Gagenville and Wilson Lake). Around 1940, Biggar Pastoral Charge included preaching points at Crane Creek, Naseby and Salter, though these three returned to Cando Pastoral Charge sometime before 1946. (Cando Pastoral Charge would eventually join with Landis Pastoral Charge.)
In 2000, the charge became part of Prairie Pine Presbytery and, with the 2018 reorganization, it continued into the new Living Skies Regional Council.