United Church of Canada√



Scope note(s)

  • Officially formed 1925, from amalgamation of Congregationalists, existing local union/united churches (via General Council of Local Union Churches), the Methodist Church (Canada) and approx. 70% of Presbyterian Church in Canada

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United Church of Canada√

411 Names results for United Church of Canada√

290 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Young Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0519
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–ca.1969

Young Pastoral Charge was formed as United Church charge in 1925, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and containing appointments at Young, Zelma and Rapid Advance. By the mid-1930s, it was listed as Young-Zelma Pastoral Charge, with no additional points.

Around 1969, the point at Lost River was moved to Bradwell Pastoral Charge, while the remaining Young-Zelma joined Watrous Pastoral Charge.

Results 406 to 411 of 411