United Church of Canada√



Scope note(s)

  • Officially formed 1925, from amalgamation of Congregationalists, existing local union/united churches (via General Council of Local Union Churches), the Methodist Church (Canada) and approx. 70% of Presbyterian Church in Canada

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United Church of Canada√

411 Names results for United Church of Canada√

290 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Nokomis Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0202
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–2004

Nokomis Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, containing the preaching points at Nokomis and Richfarms. Later additions included Saline (ca.1936), and Rowanville (ca.1940). By 1946, Richfarms had moved to Lockwood Pastoral Charge and the only points listed in Nokomis Pastoral Charge were Duff, Lorlie and Nokomis. As of 1951, the points at Duff and Lorlie had moved to Pheasant Forks Pastoral Charge and Nokomis Pastoral Charge consisted of Richfarms (again) and Lockwood. By 1962, Richfarms was no longer listed in the charge.

Around 1977, Nokomis and Govan amalgamated into the new Nokomis-Govan Pastoral Charge, with points at Duval, Govan, Lockwood and Nokomis. Lockwood closed June 30, 1981, and Duval closed July 1, 2000. On January 1, 2004, the remaining Nokomis and Govan preaching points divided: Govan joined Semans-Raymore-Punnichy to created the new Crossroads Pastoral Charge; Nokomis amalgamated with Lanigan Pastoral Charge (containing Knox United Church, Lanigan), creating Lanigan-Nokomis Pastoral Charge.

North Battleford Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0130
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–

North Battleford Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, from what had previously been the North Battleford Methodist Circuit and Presbyterian North Battleford Pastoral Charge. Presbyterians in the area who were "non-concurring" with Union continued as Presbyterians, under the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Northern Lakes Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0471
  • Corporate body
  • ca.1975–

Northern Lakes Pastoral Charge was created as a United Church charge around 1975, combining the previous St. Walburg Pastoral Charge and Loon Lake Pastoral Charge. Preaching points were Loon Lake (Calvary United Church), Loon River (St. Paul's United Church), Paradise Hill, and St. Walburg (St. Paul's United Church). Loon River closed December 31, 1990.

Outlook Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0439
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–

Outlook Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, as part of Moose Jaw Presbytery. By 1951, it had been renamed Outlook-Broderick Pastoral Charge, as part of Saskatoon Presbytery, and had added Glenside to its preaching appointments. Around 1967, the name had returned to Outlook Pastoral Charge and by ca.1968, only Glenside and Outlook were listed as preaching points.

Oxbow Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0207
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–

Oxbow Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Estevan Presbytery and containing appointments at Oxbow and Palestine. Additional preaching points later included Arthur (by 1940) and Boscurvis (ca.1951). Around 1957, Oxbow Pastoral Charge and Glen Ewen Pastoral Charge amalgamated to form the new Oxbow-Glen Ewen Pastoral Charge, with points including St. Paul's United Church, in Oxbow, and St. Angus United Church, in Glen Ewen, as well as Arthur, Boscurvis, Calvin, Hope and Palestine. By 1969, only Oxbow and Glen Ewen were still listed. On June 30, 2007, the church at Glen Ewen (St. Angus) was officially closed.

Pelly Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0241
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–2003, 2012–

Pelly Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Kamsack Presbytery. It initially included Pelly, Norquay, Maloneck, Arran, Melmore and Sunny Isles. As of 1940, the charge consisted of Pelly, Hyas, Arran, Norquay and Stenen, but this changed by 1946, with Belleau Book, Mellmore, Millroad, and Moss Side added, and Stenen-Hyas moved to Preeceville. By 1951, it had been renamed Pelly-Malonek Pastoral Charge, with points at Pelly, Malonek, Hyas, Norquay, and Watson Creek. Between the late-1950s and early 1960s, Pelly Pastoral Charge added Grantsville (from ca.1960), alongside Malonek, Norquay and Pelly. Swan Plain also joined the charge, around 1965, where it remained until the church closed, in 1989. As of 1990, the charge contained only Pelly, Maloneck and Norquay. The church at Maloneck officially closed December 31, 2001.

On May 1, 2003, the charge amalgamated with Canora-Invermay Pastoral Charge to create the new Canora-Norquay-Pelly Pastoral Charge. The preaching point at Invermay closed, on June 30, 2003.

On January 1, 2012, Canora-Norquay-Pelly dissolved and the three points were reorganized into separate charges, including Pelly Pastoral Charge.

Pense Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0497
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–ca.1958, ca.1973–1994

Pense Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, as part of Regina Presbytery. Initially, the charge included preaching points at Pense and Cottonwood. Around 1968, Pense joined with preaching points at Drinkwater, Stoney Beach, Grand Coulee, Sherwood, and Richardson to form the new Pense - Grand Coulee Pastoral Charge. After the joint-charge was dissolved ca.1970, and preaching points Grand Coulee and Sherwood moved to Regina Wascana Pastoral Charge (until ca.1973 and 1990, respectively).

Pense Pastoral Charge was re-established ca.1973, then later joined with Drinkwater to become Pense-Drinkwater Pastoral Charge, with preaching points at St. Andrew's (Pense) and Drinkwater. In 1994, Grand Coulee and Pense-Drinkwater Pastoral Charges amalgamated, as Plainsview Pastoral Charge. The points at Pense and Drinkwater both formally closed on June 30, 1998.

Perdue Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0321
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–1999

Perdue Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and containing preaching points at Perdue and Hope Hall. By 1932, the charge had become Perdue-Leney Pastoral Charge, with additional points at Hope Hall, Keppel, and Tweedyside. As of 1962, preaching points were listed as Perdue, Hope Hall, Kinley and Leney. In 1981, Arelee joined Perdue (from Asquith Pastoral Charge); it later closed July 1, 1984. On July 1, 1999, the charge amalgamated with Asquith to become Asquith-Perdue Pastoral Charge.

Pheasant Creek Larger Parish

  • SCAA-UCCS-0123
  • Corporate body
  • ca.1969–1989

Pheasant Creek Larger Parish was a pastoral charge created around 1969, from an amalgamation of Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge (with Abernethy, Lemberg and Neudorf points), Balcarres-Pheasant Forks Pastoral Charge (with Balcarres, Duff and Lorlie points) and File Hills "Indian" Pastoral Charge. Around 1980, File Hills separated to re-establish itself as a separate charge.

As of July 1, 1989, the charge was split into Abernethy-Lemberg (a.k.a. Lemberg-Abernethy), Balcarres, and Duff Pastoral Charges.

Pheasant Forks Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0512
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–1969?

Pheasant Forks Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Abernethy Presbytery and including points at Pheasant Forks, Duff and Lorlie. By 1962, the points joined with Balcarres Pastoral Charge to form the combined Balcarres - Pheasant Forks Pastoral Charge. Around 1969, the joint-charge amalgamated with Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge (with Abernethy, Lemberg and Neudorf points) and File Hills Pastoral Charge to become the new Pheasant Creek Larger Parish.

Porcupine Plain Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0242
  • Corporate body
  • ca.1932–2011

Porcupine Plain Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, containing Porcupine Plain (Bethany United Church, named 1948), Green Lake, High Tor, Pee Wee and Somme. Later points included Bjorkdale (Hillside United Church), Chelan, and Spruce View. After becoming a Shared Ministry (ca.1952), the Porcupine Plain Charge has included congregations of St. John's Hillside Anglican/United Church, in Bjorkdale, Bethany-Good Shepherd Anglican/United Church, in Porcupine Plain, and St. Andrew's United Church, in Shand Creek (ca.1982).

Both Bjorkdale and Porcupine Plain closed June 30, 2010, and the RM of Porcupine preaching point ended its association with the United Church November 2011. Porcupine Plain (Shared Ministry) Pastoral Charge itself closed December 31, 2011.

Powers, Ken

  • SCAA-UCCS-0396
  • Person
  • 19??–

Prairie Points Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0440
  • Corporate body
  • 1996–

Prairie Points Pastoral Charge was formed July 1, 1996, from the amalgamation of Creelman Pastoral Charge and Fillmore Pastoral Charge, which included Osage United Church. Osage closed December 2007.

Results 241 to 255 of 411