Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
- Fonds
- 1883-1964
Fonds contain materials collected by, published by, or pertaining to Dr. Robert George Ferguson of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League.
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Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Fonds contain materials collected by, published by, or pertaining to Dr. Robert George Ferguson of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League.
Saskatchewan Leads Canada, North America, and the World in the Fight Against Tuberculosis
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Article from the Western Development Museum's Winning the Prairie Gamble on the history of tuberculosis in Saskatchewan.
MacKenzie, Janet
SATL Community Outreach Image Collection
Collection contains community outreach images collected by the Saskatchewan-Anti Tuberculosis League.
Tuberculosis Control in the Indian [Indigenous] Population in Canada
Part of Jim Daschuk Collection
Report on Tuberculosis Control in the Indian [Indigenous] Population in Canada by Dr. P.E. Moore of the Department of Indian Affairs.
Department of Indian Affairs