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289 Archival description results for Tuberculosis√

289 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Dr. Boughton's Orchestra 1

Image of Boughton's Orchestra made up of patients and staff members. The orchestra performed in the sanatorium theatre during winter months, and on the front lawn in the summer for patients on the balcony.

Dr. Boughton's Orchestra 2

Image of Boughton's Orchestra made up of patients and staff members. The orchestra performed in the sanatorium theatre during winter months, and on the front lawn in the summer for patients on the balcony.

Dr. Ferguson Green Notebook Untitled

Notebook contains a series of lists complied in 1964, the lists describe patient names, TB surveys, and BCG Vaccine trials occurring from 1928 to the time of writing. This notebook appears to have been used by Dr. Ferguson to compile information for his publication Studies in Tuberculosis.

Ferguson, Robert George (Dr.)

Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds

  • RGF
  • Fonds
  • 1883-1964

Fonds contain materials collected by, published by, or pertaining to Dr. Robert George Ferguson of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League.

Drama Club 1

Image Caption: "Fort San - Drama Club"

Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League

Drama Club 2

Fort San Drama Club
Image Caption: "Laney Oren. Patients at Fort San - all men"

Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League

Duck Hunt 1

Image of duck hunt at Fort San.

Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League

Results 46 to 60 of 289