St. Gabriel's School Saints in Biggar, Saskatchewan
- 98.530.333D
- Item
- ca.1982
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of students and a teacher posing for a group photo. A sign at their feet reads "St. Gabriel School 1981 & 82 Saints JK 3508"
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St. Gabriel's School Saints in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of students and a teacher posing for a group photo. A sign at their feet reads "St. Gabriel School 1981 & 82 Saints JK 3508"
Mrs. Heese's Grade Four Class of 1974-75
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of children and one adult posing for a class photograph. A sign at the children's feet reads "Biggar Elem School Gr 4A 1974 & 75 760 116"
Elaine Culbert's Grade Eight Class
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of students posing for a class photo on the steps of Thornton School in Biggar, Saskatchewan