- SCN00087
- Entidade coletiva
- 1947-2015?
The Junior Fortnightly Club was formed on January 21, 1947, in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, by members of the Fortnightly Club (which then became known as the Senior Fortnightly Club). It had 11 charter members and a maximum of 20 members at any one time. Meetings were held every two weeks in a different member's home. Dues were collected at each meeting. The Club was formed mainly for the purpose of study, as intellect was important to the Club. One or two members would present a talk or a paper at each meeting. In later years, each member was assigned a topic on a rotating basis to present on at the next meeting. Some of the topics were women, books and authors, household hints, science, education, entertainment, and local, national, and international news. The Club was involved in the community in various ways, including sponsoring students, participating in charitable works, hosting baby showers, and providing funeral lunches. Members also met as a lunch social club.