Sturgis (Sask.)



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Sturgis (Sask.)

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Sturgis (Sask.)

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Sturgis (Sask.)

1 Names results for Sturgis (Sask.)

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Preeceville-Sturgis Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0472
  • Instelling
  • 1925–

Preeceville Pastoral Charge was created as an aid-receiving United Church charge in 1925, part of Kamsack Presbytery and consisting of appointments at Preeceville, Norway, Sturgis and Corifin. Between 1936 and 1940, Kopje and Wales were added the charge, then Stenen-Hyas, by 1946. As of 1951, the charge contained Preeceville, Stenen and Sturgis (Hyas was moved to Pelly-Maloneck). Around 1983, the charge was renamed Preeceville-Sturgis Pastoral Charge and, in 1984, Stenen was officially closed.