- FondsWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- SeriesS01 - Photographs
- FileF04 - Official opening
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- Item: 2022.004.085.236 - Living in Harmony performers coming up from valley after show including Cheryl Ewashow
- Item: 2022.004.085.237 - Living in Harmony performers coming up from valley after show including Cheryl Ewashow
- Item: 2022.004.085.238 - Living in Harmony performers and organizers close to bleachers after evening performance
- Item: 2022.004.085.239 - Dancer with three people after evening performance
- Item: 2022.004.085.240 - Shawna Gaudry and Carrie LaFramboise after evening performance
- Item: 2022.004.085.241 - Ken Alexce shaking hands with Carrie LaFramboise after evening performance
- Item: 2022.004.085.242 - Duane Favel with two others after evening performance
- Item: 2022.004.085.243 - Kate Sojonky, Duane Favel, and Cheryl Ewashow after evening performance
- Item: 2022.004.100.1 - Duane Favel as Wesakechak in theatrical presentation Living in Harmony
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