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5 Archival description results for Sermons

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Herbert Wesley Toombs fonds

  • PR 09
  • Archief
  • ca.1875–1934

The fonds consists of papers, publications and other collected items by and relating to the Rev. Toombs and his work, as a United Church minister.

Contents include: sermons (ca.1905-1934); clippings, letters and copies of articles relating to famous paintings (1922); various undated lectures; collected writings and documents relating to Church Union; a copy of his 1917 publication on Mormonism and related correspondence (ca.1914-1920); copies of church-related publications; and a “Pastor’s Pocket Record” notebook (ca.1920-1926), listing salary, sermons, members, baptisms, marriages and funerals from Drinkwater, Briercrest, Keeler and Marquis. There are also letters regarding Rev. Toombs’ career and his various papers.

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Hugh R. MacDonald fonds

  • PR 17
  • Archief
  • ca.1966–1986

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. MacDonald, from his time as an ordained minister, in Saskatchewan. Contents include: sermons (1966-1967); photocopied newspaper obituaries (1986); and a copy of “Prayers of Edmund Oliver” (no date).

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Aubrey G. Edworthy fonds

  • PR 25
  • Archief
  • ca.1959

The fonds consists of documents collected by Rev. Edworthy, relating to temperance and liquor licensing in Saskatchewan (ca.1959).

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Robert James McLellan fonds

  • PR 26
  • Archief
  • 1968–1978

The fonds consists of a Record of Sermons (1968-1978) by Rev. McLellan, from his time as a minister.

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G.G. Heffelfinger fonds

  • PR 06
  • Archief
  • ca.1925

The fonds consists of Rev. Heffelfinger’s sermon “Sympathy”, written for March 1st, 1924, with biblical citations for scripture readings and first lines of praise selections (hymns).

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