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Geology Building - Construction

Looking northwest across the Bowl at the Geology Building under construction.

Bio/Historical Note: The construction of the Geology Building marked a return to the early style of campus architecture. The Department of Geology had been formed in 1927 and for the next six decades was based in the east wing of the Engineering Building. A growing faculty and student population had forced the department to cobble together makeshift accommodation in trailers and remote campus buildings. Designed by the architectural firm Black, McMillan and Larson of Regina, the building was given a neo-Collegiate Gothic exterior to blend harmoniously with the other buildings in the central campus. The two-and-a-half-storey building was erected just south or the Bowl side of the W.P. Thompson Biology Building, providing 8,543 square metres for office, laboratory, library, classroom, and storage space for rock and fossil samples. The exterior was clad with greystone and dressed with tyndal limestone. The dominant feature of the interior was a two-story atrium that featured the mosaics for the former exterior walls of the Thompson Building, a life-size skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex and geological and biological displays. The $18.5 million Geology Building was completed in 1988 and fused the space between Physics and Biology and linked, through a walkway, with Chemistry, creating an integrated science complex on campus.

J.C. Drinkle Building

Looking west at the Drinkle Building, location of the University of Saskatchewan's original campus in 1909 and 1910. Located on the southwest corner of 21st Street East and 2nd Avenue South in downtown Saskatoon; pedestrians walking on sidewalk and road.

Bio/Historical Note: Drinkle Block No. 1 was built by John Clarence Drinkle in 1909. It was the first large and modern business block in the city and boasted the latest conveniences - elevators and telephones. The building was demolished in 1925 when it was destroyed in fire and was replaced with the McMillan Building around 1927.

Rutherford Rink - Exterior

Looking west at The Rutherford Rink.

Bio/Historical Note: Built on a site previously used for an open outdoor rink, construction of “The Rink”, later known informally as the “Dog House”, was due to student initiative. A campaign to have a closed rink facility began in 1920; by 1928, the Students Representative Council appointed a committee to look into the feasibility of the student body assuming responsibility for construction. The Board of Governors loaned SRC the funds; which the student council hoped to pay back by instituting a $3 student fee. Although opened for use in December 1929 the rink, “already the most popular place on campus,” had its official opening on 23 January 1930, with an inter-varsity hockey game against the University of Manitoba (Saskatchewan won, 5-1). 650 attended the opening; and between 18,000-20,000 people used the rink during its first year of operation. The original design included “waiting rooms” on the west and east side, primarily for use by men and women respectively. The rink was used for general skating, “scrub,” faculty, senior men’s and girls’ varsity team hockey practices, the “fancy skating club,” children’s skating, and band practice, and winter carnival activities. Speed skates were allowed, but the rink was “not responsible for injury resulting therefrom.” During general skating, “playing tag,” “cutting in,” “cracking the whip,” and “reckless disregard and abandon in speed skating” were not tolerated. The building was renamed in honour of William J. Rutherford, the University’s first Dean of Agriculture, after his sudden and unexpected death on 1 June 1930. Minor renovations occurred over the next 88 years. Merlis Belsher Place, a multi-use ice facility, opened in 2018, mercifully replacing the ancient Rutherford Rink. The new arena is located on the south side of College Drive near the Field House.

Physics Building - Exterior

Looking northeast at the Physics Building.

Bio/Historical Note: The Physics Building was constructed by Smith Bros. & Wilson General Contractors from 1919 to 1921 for $437,000, and was designed by D. R. Brown and H. Vallance. It was officially opened in 1922. The building originally housed the Departments of Physics, Botany and Zoology, the Plant-pathology section of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, as well as the soils branch of the Canadian Department of the Interior. The Physics Building possessed non-vibratory walls, laboratories for Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Electron Physics, wireless work, a number of smaller research rooms, a dark room and a large lecture theatre, which was quickly put to use by many different colleges. The attic of the building was used as a temporary museum, with meteorological recording equipment situated on the roof. The basement was fitted with offices and classrooms, as well as with two fireproofed rooms containing the Shortt Library of Canadiana. During the 1946-1947 academic term a Physics Annex was "constructed" on campus at a cost of $46,000. Built initially to accommodate the Betatron, the Annex was a World War II air force hut that was reassembled on campus. After the completion of the Betatron Building in 1951 the annex was used to provide “temporary” classroom space for the department. Though scheduled to be demolished after the completion of the Physics Addition in 1967, the annex would remain on campus until it was destroyed in fire on 28 April 1979. A proper addition to the Physics Building was finally completed in 1967 by W.C. Wells Construction for $2,029,876.

J.S. Fulton Labratory - Exterior

Looking northeast at the J.S. Fulton Lab.

Bio/Historical Note: The Virus Laboratory Building was constructed from 1947-1948, and was designed by the architectural firm of Webster and Gilbert. It was located on what is now a grassy area in front of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. The construction of the building was financed with proceeds from the sale of the equine encephalomyelitis vaccine. The disease equine encephalomyelitis, more commonly known as "sleeping sickness," first appeared in Saskatchewan in 1935. It recurred in 1937 and 1938, when it killed an estimated 13,000 to 15,000 horses. The vaccine was developed by Dr. Fulton in the late 1930s while he was still head of the Veterinary Sciences Department, and was first sold by the University in 1939. While commercial production companies in the United States were selling a similar vaccine for $1.80 per dosage, the University undersold them at 75 cents – which accounted for all the funding available for construction. Dr. Fulton also demonstrated that a human disease previously diagnosed as non-paralytic poliomyelitis was in fact caused by the same virus, at which time he produced a vaccine for humans. Demolition of the J.S. Fulton Virus Laboratory was completed in 1989.

Place Riel Student Centre - Official Opening

Hugh Arscott, chairman of the Place Riel Society, gives a brief history of the Centre during the official opening of the Place Riel Campus Centre Individuals identified on the platform (from l to r ): George Prosk, executive director of the Centre; Doug McArthur, Saskatchewan Minister of Continuing Education; Cliff Wright, Mayor of Saskatoon; Dr. William Sibley, chairman, Universities Commission; Christine Pastershank, chairman, Board of Governors; Gordon Blackmore, president of the Students' Union; Leo Kristjanson, University President and representatives of the architects and contractors.

Bio/Historical Note: While construction on the Place Riel Student Centre complex was not begun until well into the 1970s, planning for the structure actually began a decade earlier. During the 1964-1965 academic year the Students’ Union recognized the need for facilities much more extensive than could be offered in the MUB. While the MUB had only been completed in 1955 an expanding student population had already made it obsolete as a central location for student activities and leisure on campus. A Commission was established to investigate the matter and in 1964 student questionnaires and several studies were carried out. In a referendum in February 1966, 69.4% of students voted to increase a mandatory building tuition fee to $12. In 1967 the University and the Students’ Union jointly established a Project Building Committee to plan the required facilities. The University recognized its financial commitment to the project in late 1967 and included its anticipated share in the capital program request for 1968/69 and subsequent years. During the 1973-1974 academic year the student body voted in favour of another increase in the annual building fee to $20. The Place Riel Student Centre was constructed in three phases from 1976 to 1980 for a combined cost of $5,794,315. The original concept for the project had been the construction of a large freestanding building which incorporated all of the needs of the Student Centre. This plan was eventually adapted to include the use of space in the Arts Building and the Memorial Union Building (MUB) for student facilities primarily to offset construction costs. The first phase of the project involved the renovation of the Theatre Wing of the Arts Building. This was completed in 1976 for $178,080 by Smith Bros. and Wilson. It was designed by D. H. Stock and Partners. The second phase of construction involved the building of Place Riel itself. Place Riel was completed in 1979 for $3,916,235. It was designed by the architectural firm of Ferguson Folstad Friggstad and was built by Ellis Don Construction. The final phase of construction involved the renovation of the MUB, which was again designed by Ferguson Folstad Friggstad. The renovations were completed by Bennett and White Construction in 1980. They included the demolition and removal of portions of the building, structural alterations, interior renovations, improvements to the elevator, and alterations and renovations to the Tunnel. Originally estimated at $902,688, this final phase of the project would eventually cost $1.7 million. The completed building provided space for the Students’ Union Business Office, Sheaf Offices, commercial space for kiosks, meeting and seminar rooms, several general lounge areas, a theatre in the Arts Building, a discotheque (Louis’ Pub) in the MUB, a music listening room, a television lounge, a grad student lounge and a billiard and arcade room. Space in the building was also leased to campus radio station CJUS-FM, the Alumni Office, Student Counselling Services, a Canada Manpower Centre, the campus bookstore and food and vending services. The Centre officially opened in September 1980. Until 1998, when the students’ union assumed complete control, Place Riel was managed by the Place Riel Society, a board with representation from the university, students, and alumni. The use of the building has evolved over the years, particularly following numerous renovations over the years, with lower Place Riel now being dominated by a food court.

President's Residence - Interior

Interior view of the President's Residence; possibly an office.

Bio/Historical Note: The President’s Residence is among the original buildings constructed on campus. The residence was designed by Brown and Vallance, and was built under the direction of A.R. Greig, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. The building was originally planned as a wooden structure. However, a proposal to construct the building out of a local river rock, later known as greystone, was raised prior to the commencement of construction - if the government would foot the bill. Eventually the latter material was chosen, though the government perhaps came to regret its decision. Construction on the President's Residence began in 1910 and finished in early 1913. By the time it was completed the original cost for the building had ballooned from $32,000 to $44,615. Walter Murray, the first president of the University, was deeply embarrassed by the cost of what was to be his personal residence, even though it was also a public building. However, the people of Saskatoon were proud of the building and the status it gave their University, and no public outcry over the cost ever materialized. Renovations to the President's Residence were completed in 1989 by PCL-Maxam at a cost of $96,752. The renovations were designed by architects Malkin/Edwards.

Geology Building - Construction

Construction nearing completion of the Geology Building; winter scene.

Bio/Historical Note: The construction of the Geology Building marked a return to the early style of campus architecture. The Department of Geology had been formed in 1927 and for the next six decades was based in the east wing of the Engineering Building. A growing faculty and student population had forced the department to cobble together makeshift accommodation in trailers and remote campus buildings. Designed by the architectural firm Black, McMillan and Larson of Regina, the building was given a neo-Collegiate Gothic exterior to blend harmoniously with the other buildings in the central campus. The two-and-a-half-storey building was erected just south or the Bowl side of the W.P. Thompson Biology Building, providing 8,543 square metres for office, laboratory, library, classroom, and storage space for rock and fossil samples. The exterior was clad with greystone and dressed with tyndal limestone. The dominant feature of the interior was a two-story atrium that featured the mosaics for the former exterior walls of the Thompson Building, a life-size skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and geological and biological displays. The $18.5 million Geology Building was completed in 1988 and fused the space between Physics and Biology and linked, through a walkway, with Chemistry, creating an integrated science complex on campus.

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