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3 Names results for Saskatchewan

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Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League

  • SCN00293
  • Corporate body
  • 1911-1987

The "Great White Plague" was the name used to describe tuberculosis. To fight the highly contagious disease the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League was formed in 1911. Under its auspices Fort Qu'Appelle Sanatorium, was opened in 1917 to provide rest and fresh air. But the cure was long and tedious; few could afford to remain until they were healed. So in 1929, through the League's urging, Saskatchewan was the first province to make the care and treatment of tuberculosis free of charge. In 1987, with the closure of the sanatoriums, the League is reorganized into the Saskatchewan Lung Association.

Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis Commission

  • Corporate body
  • 1921-1922

Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis Commission, often mistakenly called the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis set out to "to enquire into the question of tuberculosis in Saskatchewan, and to recommend...measures to efficiently deal with the problem" (Report of the Saskatchewan. Anti-Tuberculosis Commission, A.B. Cook, 1922).