Royal Canadian Legion



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Royal Canadian Legion

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Royal Canadian Legion

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Royal Canadian Legion

1 Names results for Royal Canadian Legion

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Great War Veteran's Association

  • Corporate body
  • 1919-1925

In Canada, several veterans' organizations emerged during the First World War. The Great War Veterans Association was by 1919 the largest veterans' organization in Canada. Following the First World War, 15 different organizations existed to aid returning veterans in Canada. Field Marshal The 1st Earl Haig, founder of the British Empire Service League (now known as the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League), visited Canada in 1925 and urged the organizations to merge. In the same year, the Dominion Veterans Alliance was created to unite these organizations.

In November 1925, the Canadian Legion was founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Services League. The Canadian Legion of the British Empire Services League was incorporated by a special Act of Parliament the following year. The Legion grew steadily through the 1930s and then expanded rapidly following the Second World War. In 1960, Queen Elizabeth II granted The Legion royal patronage and it became The Royal Canadian Legion.