Round Lake (Sask.)



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Round Lake (Sask.)

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Round Lake (Sask.)

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Round Lake (Sask.)

4 Names resultados para Round Lake (Sask.)

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Camp McKay

  • SCAA-UCCS-0175
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1954–2007?

United Church of Canada Qu'Appelle Presbytery

  • SCAA-UCCS-0020
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–2000

Qu’Appelle Presbytery was one of the original 16 presbyteries established by the first General Council of the United Church of Canada (June 1925), to be part of the new Saskatchewan Conference. Initial boundaries were based on the previous Qu’Appelle Presbytery, which had been part of the Presbyterian Synod of Saskatchewan.

In 2000, Saskatchewan Conference went from 10 presbyteries to 7, with each adopting a new name. Most pastoral charges from Qu’Appelle Presbytery became part of the new Twin Valleys Presbytery.

Round Lake Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0172
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–2017

Round Lake Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, as part of Qu'Appelle Presbytery. As of 1958, appointments included Kahkewistahaw, Sakimay, and Ochapawace. By 1984, Cowessess has also been added. According to United Church Year Books, Cowessess and Ochapawace were no longer considered preaching places, ca.1989. As of February 24, 2017, Round Lake Pastoral Charge was officially closed.