Rokeby (Sask.)



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Rokeby (Sask.)

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Saltcoats-Bredenbury-Churchbridge Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0442
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1959–1999

The charge was formed as Saltcoats-Bredenbury Pastoral Charge, around 1959, from an amalgamation of Saltcoats and Bredenbury Pastoral Charges. Initial preaching points included Castleton, Churchbridge, Bredenbury, Langenburg, Rokeby, Saltcoats, and Tonkin. Several of the points later closed and/or moved, including Langenburg, which became part of Cutarm Pastoral Charge.

In later years, preaching points included: Knox United Church, in Bredenbury; St. Andrew's United Church, in Churchbridge; and Saltcoats United Church. The preaching point at Churchbridge was closed June 29, 1999, the rest of the charge joined with Langenberg to create Saltcoats-Bredenbury-Churchbridge-Langenburg Pastoral Charge (later re-named Four Town Pastoral Charge), on July 1, 1999.