Rockglen (Sask.)



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Rockglen (Sask.)

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Rockglen (Sask.)

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Rockglen (Sask.)

2 Names results for Rockglen (Sask.)

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Borderlands Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0447
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1968–

Borderlands Pastoral Charge was formed around 1968, from the combination of Rockglen Pastoral Charge (including Killdeer and Fife Lake) with Coronach. The new charge was part of Assiniboia Presbytery and contained appointments at Coronach, Fife Lake, Killdeer and Rockglen (Wesley United Church). The Killdeer preaching point eventually closed June 30, 1995.

Rockglen Pastoral Charge

  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1932–1968?

Rockglen Pastoral Charge was formed as a United Church charge sometime between 1926 and 1932, part of Assiniboia Presbytery and consisting of preaching points at Killdeer and Lacordaire (the latter was previously part of Pretty Valley Pastoral Charge, ca.1926). Between the late-1930s and 1940, the charge had amalgamated with Constance, as Rock Glen - Constance Pastoral Charge, with additional points at Lacordaire, Canopus and Killdeer (only Fife lake by 1946). By 1951, the charge had joined with Coronach to form Rock Glen - Coronach Pastoral Charge, with points at Rockglen, Coronach, Fife Lake, Hart and Clydesdale. The charges had separated again by 1958. As of 1962, Rockglen Pastoral Charge consisted of the Rockglen, Fife Lake and Killdeer congregations.

Around 1968/1969, Coronach combined with Rockglen Pastoral Charge (including Killdeer and Fife Lake) to create the new Borderlands Pastoral Charge.