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Residential Schools√
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- [1930-1960]
In 1930 Dr. A.B Simes was appointed to the Fort Qu'Appelle Indian Health Unit by the Department of Indian Affairs. By the time the Fort Qu'Appelle Indian Hospital opened in 1936, Dr. Simes was Medical Superintendent of the health unit. In 1944, Dr. Simes publishes the “Simes” Report, criticizing the care provided by Elkhorn Residential School and highlighting neglect there. He recommends better medical care and living conditions in the school. In 1948, he is promoted to Medical Supervisor of Indian Health Services for the province of Saskatchewan. Dr. Simes can be seen on the far right in the image of the sod breaking displayed above.
Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital
- Instelling
- 1936-1996
The Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital was operated by the Department of Indian Affairs from 1936-1996. In 1996, ownership transferred to the Touchwood File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council who operated it until 2004, when it was replaced by the All Nations' Healing Hospital. In 2014, the Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital building was demolished.