- CORA-A-147
- Item
- 1922
Parte de City of Regina fonds
Regina Street Railway car barn/yard in 1922 .
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Parte de City of Regina fonds
Regina Street Railway car barn/yard in 1922 .
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Parte de City of Regina fonds
Broad Street and Dewdney Avenue streetcar
Albert and Broad Street streetcar
Parte de City of Regina fonds
Two unidentified city employees posed in front of Albert Street and Broad Street streetcar.
Parte de City of Regina fonds
Men and boys boarding a Regina streetcar. A banner for the Regina Farm Boys Camp is seen on the side of the streetcar.
Streetcar on Albert Street Bridge
Parte de City of Regina fonds
Streetcar on Albert Street Bridge, looking south towards the Legislative Buildings.
Parte de City of Regina fonds
Regina streetcar with advertisements for the Regina Rose Theatre
Parte de City of Regina fonds
Two unidentified city employees posing with Broad Street and Dewdney Avenue streetcar #21. On verso it says, "This is one of our cars Tim. If you see Walter you might show it to him. With love from Will."