- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 205 en plus...
- PièceCORA-B-804 - Duke and Duchess of Connaught, Princess Patricia and Mayor Peter McAra
- PièceCORA-B-815 - Men preparing for celebrations
- PièceCORA-B-820 - Opening ceremonies for the Western Canada Summer Games
- PièceCORA-B-83 - South Railway and Broad Streets
- PièceCORA-B-835 - Regina, 1885
- PièceCORA-B-857 - Weightlifter at Western Canada Summer Games in Regina
- PièceCORA-B-866 - Aerial view of Regina looking northeast
- PièceCORA-B-874 - Aerial view of the CP rail-yards and warehouse districts
- PièceCORA-B-9 - Regina City Council, 1916
- 51 en plus...