Railways - Stations√



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Hierarchical terms

Railways - Stations√

Equivalent terms

Railways - Stations√

  • UF Train stations
  • UF Rail stations
  • UF CPR Station
  • UF CN Station

Associated terms

Railways - Stations√

7 Archival description results for Railways - Stations√

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Eight historical photos

A composite of eight Rosetown scenes on a 1916 Christmas Card. (clockwise) Railroad station, Rosetown Hotel, house on 300 6th Ave., Main St., new hospital, 1st Ave. E.., Dr. Myers private hospital, Main St. from train station.

CNR Station

An elevated view of the CNR station from across the tracks. The front part of a steam locomotive is seen in the picture as well as a few town buildings in the background. There are many items sitting on the platform.