Railways - Stations√



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Hierarchical terms

Railways - Stations√

Equivalent terms

Railways - Stations√

  • UF Train stations
  • UF Rail stations
  • UF CPR Station
  • UF CN Station

Associated terms

Railways - Stations√

7 Archival description results for Railways - Stations√

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

CNR Station

An elevated view of the CNR station from across the tracks. The front part of a steam locomotive is seen in the picture as well as a few town buildings in the background. There are many items sitting on the platform.

Eight historical photos

A composite of eight Rosetown scenes on a 1916 Christmas Card. (clockwise) Railroad station, Rosetown Hotel, house on 300 6th Ave., Main St., new hospital, 1st Ave. E.., Dr. Myers private hospital, Main St. from train station.