Presbyterian Church√



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Presbyterian Church√

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Presbyterian Church√

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Presbyterian Church√

70 Names results for Presbyterian Church√

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General Council of Local Union Churches of Western Canada

  • SCAA-UCCS-0074
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1912–1925

In 1908, the Basis of Union was formulated that would eventually lead to the creation of the United Church of Canada in 1925. Coinciding with this spirit of unity, the first Union church (Presbyterian and Methodist) was set up in Melville, Saskatchewan in 1908, followed a short time later by the church in Frobisher. In 1912, a committee of Union Churches approached the national church courts of the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregational denominations in order to seek affiliation with the parent churches. This committee formed the nucleus of what would become the General Council of Union Churches of Western Canada. An Advisory Council, with representatives of the Union Churches and the parent churches, was established in 1914 as a means of creating the sought after link between the Union Churches and the parent churches.

Arthur, George

  • SCAA-UCCS-0106
  • Persona
  • 1866–1943

Nicol, John L.

  • SCAA-UCCS-0143
  • Persona
  • 1875–1966
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