Presbyterian Church - Missions and missionaries√



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Presbyterian Church - Missions and missionaries√

Presbyterian Church - Missions and missionaries√

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Presbyterian Church - Missions and missionaries√

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Presbyterian Church - Missions and missionaries√

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Frank Hoffman fonds

  • PR 01
  • Archief
  • 1920–1945

The fonds primarily consists of papers by and relating to Rev. Hoffman and his and others work among Hungarian immigrants.

Contents include: correspondence and reports about missions in Alberta and Northern Saskatchewan; a list of Hungarian immigrants to Canada (some photos included); Az Otthon 1922-1925 (in Hungarian); and related materials, newspaper clippings, and documents concerning mission work and fieldwork Hoffman and others undertook in Saskatchewan. Among the materials is a biographical sketch of the Rev. Emerick Csendes [Czendes], written by Rev. Hoffman, and a copy of “Tales of Hoffman” by R.W. Hardy.

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