Sports Day - Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan
- 2000-052-020
- Item
- 1940
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Group photograph of three girls and two boys dressed up in cowboy outfits, all with bikes.
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Sports Day - Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Group photograph of three girls and two boys dressed up in cowboy outfits, all with bikes.
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
The newly completed Pleasantdale Hall.
Cleo Shields and friends - Pleasantdale
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Group photograph of individuals; identified as (from let to right): Frank Terry, Mrs. Hastie, Bertha Anderson, Cleo Shields, Wilma (Nan) Terry
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
The local Rural Municipality secretary George Selley standing in a field near Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan
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Moving the Hotel - Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Two steel wheeled tractors moving the Pleasantdale Hotel; the hotel became the butcher shop on south side of Main Street in Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan.
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Bertha Ashmead dressed in hockey equipment (goalie) at the Plesantdale outdoor skating rink.
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Group photograph of three men and two women with skates on posing on the ice.
First Class Carriage - Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan
Parte deMelfort General Photo collection
Mr. Gunderson's oxen team in Pleasantdale; two oxen pulling a sleigh, snow on the ground.