Kidnap charges laid on U.S. escapee
- IHM.2021.0510
- Item
- October 3, 1970
Parte deTown Collection
Newspaper clippings telling about the kidnappings of multiple people, including Mrs. Charlotte Braithwaite of Indian Head
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23 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
Kidnap charges laid on U.S. escapee
Parte deTown Collection
Newspaper clippings telling about the kidnappings of multiple people, including Mrs. Charlotte Braithwaite of Indian Head
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Angus Mackay writes of this "Great Lone Land"
Parte deTown Collection
Newsclipping of a contribution by Angus Mackay (Superintendent of the Experimental Farm) with his recollections of the early days of settlement of Indian Head and district.
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Riel Rebellion - 1885 Stories of E.J. Brooks
Parte deMilitary Collection
A 28 cm X 36 cm coil-bound scrapbook with about 40 pages containing news articles glued on them. There is a series of articles from the Regina Daily Star of March and April, 1935 consisting of a "narrative that has been unearthed among privately owned archives and for the first time is being made available to the public." The newspaper does not identify the author of the articles. It is not clear if the last chapter (XXI) is the last one but its last section is entitled "To Be Hanged" so it may be. A number of articles by Zachary Hamilton examine various aspects and people of the conflict. Most of the remaining articles are about E.J. Brooks but the concluding one is about Harriett Gerry of Indian Head who nursed in a variety of First Nations throughout Canada (see IHM.2020.0322).
Notebook of newsclippings about wounded, killed or missing soldiers
Parte deMilitary Collection
An 18 x 24 cm blue notebook with about 25 pages of newsclippings. The entire notebook was scanned as a pdf
Indian Head - Wolseley News Special Remembrance Day Edition 2005
Parte deMilitary Collection
The Annual Remembrance Day special edition of the Indian Head - Wolseley News for the year 2005 with 32 pages (in two sections of 16 pages each) of articles about men and women from the Indian Head area who served in the military, including WWI, WWII or other conflicts.
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1,000 kids invited home for reunion (Orange Home)
Parte deTown Collection
A page-long newspaper article about the Orange Home and its preparations for its 60th anniversary in 1983.
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Fifty Year Retrospective of the North West Resistance
Parte deMilitary Collection
Pages 23-34 of the July 26, 1935 issue of the Regina Leader-Post with many stories about people and events of the North West Resistance, including articles by Zachary Hamilton.
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Newspaper - list of WW2 men from Indian Head
Parte deMilitary Collection
March 27, 1941 issue of the Indian Head News containing the names of those for Indian Head who had enlisted.
Indian Head - Wolseley News Special Remembrance Day Edition 2006
Parte deMilitary Collection
The Annual Remembrance Day special edition of the Indian Head - Wolseley News for the year 2006 with 32 pages (in two sections of 16 pages each) of articles about men and women from the Indian Head area who served in the military, including WWI, WWII or other conflicts.
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Indian Head - Wolseley News Special Remembrance Day Edition 2007
Parte deMilitary Collection
Two copies of the Annual Remembrance Day special edition of the Indian Head - Wolseley News for the year 2007 with 32 pages (in two sections of 16 pages each) of articles about men and women from the Indian Head area who served in the military, including WWI, WWII or other conflicts.
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Indian Head Mohawks - Hockey Clippings
Parte deRecreation Collection
A folder with about 20 newspaper clippings concerning hockey - mostly the Indian Head Mohawks Tom Thumb team of 1968-1969 which almost won the Centennial Cup in a provincial championship tournament. In many articles, the name of Jamie Hilts, the team's goalie, is underlined.
The Canadian Annual: Indian Head
Parte deTown Collection
Nine double-sided laminated pages. It has articles about local buildings and people and the back is full of advertisements for local businesses. Besides Indian Head and its businesses and institutions, the Canadian Annual contains articles about nearby towns (Sintaluta, Balcarres, Lebret)
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Bell Farm Miscellaneous Articles
Parte deAgriculture Collection
A folder pertaining to the Bell Farm with 10 newspaper clippings and other articles and 2 black and white photos.
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Newsclippings about the Bell Farm
Parte deAgriculture Collection
Three newsclippings about the Bell Farm. "The farm that failed" (Leader-Post? - date?); "The Bell Farm: Largest 'bonanza' in the British Empire" (Free Press Weekly, March 4, 1972); "Major Billy's lovely legacy" (Western People, May 3, 1990)
Glenn Lynn School Cairn Dedication
Parte deSchool Collection
A laminated clipping of a newspaper article about the dedication celebration of the Glenn Lynn SD 333 Cairn on July 1, 2000.
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