Langham (Sask.)



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Saskatoon Second Street Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0335
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 19??–2006

Saskatoon Second Street Pastoral Charge was formed sometime between 1925 and 1940, primarily consisting of the Second Street United Church, in Saskatoon. As of 1940, it was listed as an aid-receiving charge, with a student minister and additional preaching point at Langham. By 1951, Second Street was part of Sutherland Pastoral Charge, alongside points at Sutherland and Cory. In the mid-1950s, Second Street Pastoral Charge was re-established.

In later years, the charge also served other preaching points, including Moose Woods Mission. Second Street Pastoral Charge officially closed June 30, 2006.