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Hunting and hunters√
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20 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Duck Hunt 1

Image of duck hunt at Fort San.

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"Moose Near Biggar, Sask"

A moose with head propped up with two sticks and a moose calf laid across the front legs
Written on the bottom: "Moose. Near Biggar, Sask. 1913"
Written on the back in blue ink: R.N. Blaikie"

Duck Hunt

Two men and a hunting dog sit on the ground in front of an antique car covered in ducks they successfully hunted. A "Zealandia" flag is sticking out from the front right tire of the car. The car's tires help date this photo as being taken sometime after 1915.

"A.A. Langford, Chas Scott, Bill Buckingham"

Three men kneeling on the ground, holding long guns and birds, with a dog laying in front of them
Written on the back in pencil: "Mr Langford Chas Scott Bill Buckingham"
Written on the back in blue ink: "A.A. Langford Chas Scott (a lawer) Bill Buckingerham"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "12"

"Grandpa Malcolm and Uncle George Morris"

Two men holding long guns and standing in front of 26 ducks hung up on the wall of a building
Written on the back in green ink and pencil: "at Left Grandpa Malcolm Right - my Uncle George Morris mom's brother Think there were 26 mallards all paired but 2 on end Uncle George said they were old maids. Early 20's"
Stamped on the back in blue ink: "15"

Duck hunters

Two duck hunters standing on a shore with two more in a boat

Resultados 1 a 15 de 21