Men posing with wheelbarrow and shovels
- CORA-A-2138
- Pièce
- ca. 1920
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Four men in suits posing with wheelbarrow and shovels
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Men posing with wheelbarrow and shovels
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Four men in suits posing with wheelbarrow and shovels
Men posing with early day trencher
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Men posing with an early day trencher used in the Boggy Creek waterworks project.
Boggy Creek waterworks project
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Boggy Creek waterworks project. Workmen are seen on the intake of the dam.
48 inch water-pipe for Boggy Creek
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
48 inch water pipe for the Boggy Creek waterworks project. View is along 7th Avenue.
Construction of the Boggy Creek waterworks project
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Construction of the Boggy Creek waterworks project, second treatment plant, Kingsway.
Men constructing the sewer system
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Men constructing the sewer system
Men with trencher posing in a trench
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Men with trencher posing in a newly completed trench
Men laying sewer pipe in trenches
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Men lying pipe into a sewer trench
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Steam Engine used to transport men and equipment
Men paving South Railway Street
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Men paving South Railway Street. Contract was awarded to the Warren Bituminous Paving Company from Toronto.
City of Lloydmister shop buildings
Fait partie de LRA Photograph Collection
Richard Larson Collection, Weaver Park City of Lloyd's buildings and recreation
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Man posing with pipe from 1904 (small grade) and from 1913 (large grade)
Men about to lay sewer pipe in trenches
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Men about to lay pipe into a sewer trench
Construction at the Regina Sewage Treatment Plant
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Construction at the Regina Sewage Treatment Plant
Construction Camp, Boggy Creek
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Construction camp at Boggy Creek