Showing 55 results

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Automobiles - Antique and classic cars√
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53 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects


Three men drink and visit, with one sitting in a right hand drive Model T. The spare tire swings out so that the driver can get in.

Kunkel Collection

Three Cars

Three cars, 2 Model T's and 1 Chevrolet, parked side-by-side with 6 adults, one child, and a dog posed around them. 2 buildings visible in the background.

Kunkel Collection

Sharp Family

A man, woman and four children in a car in front of a building
Written on the back in blue ink: "Mr & Mrs Harry Sharp Family 1916-1918

People and car

Six persons left to right [Henry Evans, Reg Conlin, unknown, unknown, unknown and Linus Kunkel] in a car [McLaughlin] in front of Conlin & Evans Farm Machinery Agency, 110 Main Street; next door Mrs. Jamison's Ladies Wear and Beauty Parlor.

Results 1 to 15 of 55