- VE1.007
- Item
- [1915]
Three men drink and visit, with one sitting in a right hand drive Model T. The spare tire swings out so that the driver can get in.
Kunkel Collection
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Three men drink and visit, with one sitting in a right hand drive Model T. The spare tire swings out so that the driver can get in.
Kunkel Collection
Photos of antique vehicles from the early 1910s into the 1930s.
Four adults around a 1914 Model T Ford car. Note the gas headlamps.
Kunkel Collection
Three cars, 2 Model T's and 1 Chevrolet, parked side-by-side with 6 adults, one child, and a dog posed around them. 2 buildings visible in the background.
Kunkel Collection
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A view of two wooden buildings [cottages?] and a car ; a woman and a child are sitting on the steps of the closest building
A group of five people cruise around town in their Sunday best. Rosetown elevators on left-hand side.
Six men and Ford car of 1912-13
Men and buildings are unidentified. Car has white rubber tires.
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A man, woman and four children in a car in front of a building
Written on the back in blue ink: "Mr & Mrs Harry Sharp Family 1916-1918
Saskatchewan Western Development Museum - North Battleford
Part of LRA Photograph Collection
View of the front of an antique car at the Saskatchewan Western Development Museum in North Battleford.
A woman drives an old right hand drive car on a dirt road with one male and one female passenger in the backseat.
Kunkel Collection
Rev. Benjamin Crowe beside 1930 Ford Model A car
Rev. Crowe stands next to the car on the dirt street. Picture appears to be taken in Regina by Regina Photo Services.
Postcard labelled North West Land Co. outfit
Old Ford car (same car as in GR4.006?) carrying three men. In background are wooden shacks, elevators, wagon with two horses tied to it. See also GR4.009.
Six persons left to right [Henry Evans, Reg Conlin, unknown, unknown, unknown and Linus Kunkel] in a car [McLaughlin] in front of Conlin & Evans Farm Machinery Agency, 110 Main Street; next door Mrs. Jamison's Ladies Wear and Beauty Parlor.
Four people sit in a 1913 Model T Ford while another lady stands behind. The car is parked in front of a house.
Four men sit in an old car while another leans against it from the outside, visiting.