Unidentified gentleman wearing clerical collar
- CH2.015
- Item
- [1965-1967]
Head shot of priest or minister. Possibly J.A.P. Daniels, tentatively identified in CH2.013, who was in Rosetown from 1965-1967.
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Unidentified gentleman wearing clerical collar
Head shot of priest or minister. Possibly J.A.P. Daniels, tentatively identified in CH2.013, who was in Rosetown from 1965-1967.
The mortgage flaming as it burns
The mortgage burns in a tray held by Bob Cowan with Fr. Shirley and another priest watching. Mortgage was burned Aug. 31, 1966.
Saskatoon Ministerial Association fonds
The fonds consists of minutes from meetings of the Saskatoon Ministerial Association (1937-1951).
Saskatoon Ministerial Association
Rev. Miller Nixon, Rosetown United Church
Head and shoulders of Rev. Nixon.
Rev. John Allan, Rosetown Anglican Church
L-R: Rev. Allan, Bishop ?, John Johnston (worked at Rosetown Eagle).
Rev. Jack Sinclair of Rosetown United Church
Rev. Sinclair, centre, talks with two other members of the Sect-- Committee.
Rev. Benjamin Crowe standing on steps of Anglican Church
Taken in July, wearing a white hat, black suit, slim-legged pants.
Rev. Benjamin Crowe in a buffalo coat
Rev. Crowe standing beside waist high snowbanks on a cleared walk wearing a long buffalo coat.
Rev. Benjamin Crowe beside 1930 Ford Model A car
Rev. Crowe stands next to the car on the dirt street. Picture appears to be taken in Regina by Regina Photo Services.
Rev. Benjamin Crowe and another man behind snowdrift
The snow is as high as the picket fence in front.
Part of W.O. Kupsch fonds
Citation reads: "Father Metayer, Holman Island, N.W.T. August 20, 1965."
Father MacDonald was schooled at St. Joseph's Convent and graduated from high school in 1943. He was ordained in 1951. He died in 1997.
Eight clergymen wearing white shirts, bowties, and chef hats
Members of the Rosetown Ministerial Assoc. on Dec. 11, 1969.
Back row: L-R: Rev. W. Krause, Rev. John Allen, Rev. Oliver Hodge, Rev. Art Wiens.
Front row: L-R: Rev. Stewart MacTavish (Sovereign Glamis United Church), Rev. Harvey Young, Father P.
Photographs depicting clergy members within the Rosetown area. Roman Catholic, United, and Anglican.
Burning the Catholic Church mortgage in 1966
Bob Cowan holding a silver tray, Father Shirley on his right, two other priests who are not named. Two ladies and girl in the background. Fr. Blaise Morand, assisted by Fr. Denis Prefontaine attended and are probably the other two priests in the picture.