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Threshing machines√
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44 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

"Wing Feeders" on threshing machine

An unusual system of wing feeders is shown that feeds sheaves into the threshing machine on the Sweatman farm near Zealandia, Saskatchewan. Visible are two mules in front area, two men forking sheaves, bundles wagons and a straw stack behind the wing feeders

Linklater, Al

Weaver's Gas Tractor Threshing

View of several men standing on wagons as another stands by Weaver's Gasoline Tractor running a Threshing machine for T. Knipe Northminster, Sask. Awoman dressed in black stands next to the steel wheel of the tractor.

Mathias Studio

Threshing scene

Steamer driving double-sided threshing machine. Sheaves are being unloaded from racks on each side. Four racks can be seen in the picture. Straw stack in back.

Kessel, Albert (Jessop Studio)

Results 1 to 15 of 45