Affichage de 22 résultats

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22 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Wynona School

Written in Arbos 1983: STF Memories, p. 21; "In 1909 Georgina McGill, a student at McMaster University, came west to visit her brother Jud at his farm near Stranraer. She stayed to teach for several months at Wynona school? built in 1907. Miss McGill taught fourteen students in this sodded frame schoolhouse." Georgina McGill and students outside the Wynona sod schoolhouse.

Meadowbank School near Biggar, Saskatchewan

Five children standing in front of the Meadowbank School, three of the children are holding a banner which reads "Meadowbank", the other two are holding a stick of some sort. Children identified as: Back Jean Hunter Elbert Sjostrum Marian hunter 1 Gunar Sjostrum, Myrtle Hegarty

Meadowbank School near Biggar, Saskatchewan

School children and teacher standing in front of the Meadowbank School; school children and teacher identified as: back row L to R Ruby Sjostrum, Wilfred Willis, Frank Frank Denton, Jean Hunter, Marian Hunter, Stanley Willis, Morley Meston Teacher Clara Ewold Standing in front of back row Dorothy Hunter, James Mann, Robert Hunter Kneeling Front Row Elbert Sjostrum, Emile Quilichini, Orval Sjostrum, Peter Quilichini Rose Quilichini

Allanbank School

Exterior view of the old Allenbank School near Biggar, Saskatchewan; a sign which reads "Allanbank S.D. No. 507" can be seen.

Résultats 1 à 15 sur 22