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Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
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Laying Steel: Battleford To Cutknife

Laying railroad track on a bridge during the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific line from Battleford, Saskatchewan, west to Cutknife, Saskatchewan; in the postcard/photograph there are trucks with trailers loaded with rail ties followed by a large group of men on a railway bridge

G.T.P. Caboose

Two men standing on the back of, and three men standing beside a caboose with "Grand Trunk Pacific" printed on the side, in the railyard in Biggar, Saskatchewan.

Biggar Car Dept., Biggar, Saskatchewan

17 men, the Car Department for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway stationed in Biggar, Sasktchewan, standing in front of a train car, many of them holding tools; a wooden sign on the ground in front of them reads "Biggar Car Dept."