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Parades - Floats√
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V.J. Day Parade Float

Two horses are hitched to a wagon which is decorated with streamers and balloons. The wagon, which is on Main Street, is full of children and women and one man.

"UGG Elevator Parade Float" in Biggar, SK

There is a girl sitting on a flatbed trailer which is decorated with streamers and a large model of a United grain Growers grain elevator; There are several signs on the trailer which read "The Farmers Company owned by B.C., Alta., Sask., Man.", "The Elevator System That Farmers Built", "Complete Farm Service", 05 Congratulations Saskatchewan 65"

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Parade Float

A boy standing in the flatbed of a truck decorated with fabric and a model of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool grain elevator and a sign shaped like a stalk of wheat, reading "Saskatchewan Wheat Pool" and "Leading The Way in A Changing Agriculture"

Rosetown Hotel Float in 1921 Parade

Probably a May 24th parade. Year of 1921 is marked on the picture. A tall wagon pulled by 2 white horses in show harness with braided manes and tails. Travelling north on Main Street; Eagle Office is in the background. One man and two women in costume are on the wagons.

Robin Hood Mills Parade float

Men and women kneeling and standing in front of and on truck and horse-drawn wagon serving as Robin Hood Mills parade float in Crescent Park. In background is seen St. Andrew's Presbyterian and Moose Jaw Public Library

Results 1 to 15 of 114